Monday, February 10, 2014

Discussion Questions for the Week of Feb. 10


This week we are going to focus on what makes people good or evil.  You need to write FOUR questions related to the characters in your book and what makes them either good or bad characters.

Example:  Tris is the main character in the Divergent series.  She stands up for characters who cannot defend themselves, but she has also killed innocent people.  Is she good or evil?


Unknown said...

1.who are the evil people in the story?
2. Who are the good people in the story?
3. What have they done to be considered good or bad?
4.think of someone you think is good or evil today? And explain why

Anonymous said...

Jessica Taveras 803
1. Is Irene 'good' or 'evil' ? Explain
2. Why do you think Irene is risking her life for others?
3. What would you do if you were in Irene's place?
4. After dealing with all the hardships at such a young age how do you think it had effected Irene ?l