Thursday, February 27, 2014

Final Discussion Questions (Feb. 27--Mar. 4)

This will be your final book discussion for this domain.  Your discussion questions should be about...

  • How the conflicts in your book get resolved
  • How the main characters have changed over the course of your book
  • What the main characters learned through their experiences
Post 4 discussion questions for your group under the comments section of this post.  Enjoy!


Emely said...

How did the conflicts get resolved?
What characteristics does Irene have that helps her get through this conflict?
Who were the people involved in the conflict and when did it get resolved?
Why is important to read the book in my hands?
Why would Irene hide?

Anonymous said...

How did Irene get through everything that she went through?
What effect did ww2 have on Irene?
What did you enjoy most about reading this book?
If you were in Irene's shoes would you have done things differently? If so what would you do differently?

Question to cheer people up: DO YOU LIKE COOKIES?!?!?!?!?!?

~Aaliyah L . Rosado:):):)