Monday, February 3, 2014

Discussion Questions for the Week of 2/3


Post your discussion questions for this week under the "comments" section of this post.

One question for this week should be, What injustices are happening in the book (be specific)? How do the characters react to these situations?

You need to write THREE more discussion questions for your group this week.  Happy discussing!


Anonymous said...

1) what is happening in this part of the story?

2) what happened to Irene in the hospital?why was she in the hospital?explain

3) if you were in Irene's place what would you would you do? Explain why.

4) how did they show injustice in he book?

Anonymous said...

1. What was it like for Irene to live during the winter time?
2. How did she survive in the forest?
3. What was the name of the hospital Irene worked for?
4. What was Irene risking by helping the Jewish people after she got raped. Class 803

Anonymous said...

1) How did they show in justice in the book so far?

2)Why did Irene end up in the hospital?

3) How did Irene stay alive in the forest?