Thursday, February 27, 2014

Final Discussion Questions (Feb. 27--Mar. 4)

This will be your final book discussion for this domain.  Your discussion questions should be about...

  • How the conflicts in your book get resolved
  • How the main characters have changed over the course of your book
  • What the main characters learned through their experiences
Post 4 discussion questions for your group under the comments section of this post.  Enjoy!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Discussion Questions for the Week of Feb. 10


This week we are going to focus on what makes people good or evil.  You need to write FOUR questions related to the characters in your book and what makes them either good or bad characters.

Example:  Tris is the main character in the Divergent series.  She stands up for characters who cannot defend themselves, but she has also killed innocent people.  Is she good or evil?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Discussion Questions for the Week of 2/3


Post your discussion questions for this week under the "comments" section of this post.

One question for this week should be, What injustices are happening in the book (be specific)? How do the characters react to these situations?

You need to write THREE more discussion questions for your group this week.  Happy discussing!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Discussion Questions for the Week of 1/27


Write the 4 discussion questions for your group for this week in the comments section of this post. (Click on the word "comments" at the bottom of this post.) The questions should be related to the characters, setting, and/or conflict in the beginning of your book.

Make sure to include your name and class number.  See my example in the comments section.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Hello Readers!  Welcome to the blog you will be using as we read our World War II books this domain.  Check this blog daily to learn about assignments, post comments about your book, and read what your classmates are saying about In My Hands: Memories of a Holocaust Rescuer.